Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Porn on a Plain

Planes should be aloud to let their passengers have internet. The rules would be simple. Ban porn and other viral videos from being played on the plane. If someone was to watch it while on the plane and their is a complaint or the person is caught he or she would simply get a warning and not to do it again. If that same person is found doing it again then they are to have their internet taken away from them and or be subjected to a fine. Other solutions of keeping the internet and trying to limit what people watch with it is futile. Some people thought of keeping certain seats specifically for porn. Well what if no one wants those tickets because they don't wish to watch such things. No one will want the embarrassment of having the seats that people watch porn in. Thus those seats wont be sold and the airline will lose money. And of course the airline wants to keep the internet because with all of the fighting and merging going on between the companies they will want the better price and accessories that come with it. In the end there is not much control over the whole thing so i felt that the best solution is just restriction. Limit certain things that people can watch.

1 comment:

  1. I can see what you are sayin but i feel like restricting certain websites is taking away peoples civil rights. Why shouldn't people be able to watch what they want to watch without having to sit in a 'special section'? I think that people should do whatever they want that is within the law and not harming anyone physically.
